Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Week

Well it is Saturday morning, I successfully survived the "Rapture" ha and I finished my first week at my new job!

I guess I can't really call it new because I've kind of been doing it for the last few weeks... but this was my first official week as a full-time employee and not an intern! So yeah for me! Sunday night I always try and plan ahead and prep myself for the week and I planned on really concentrating on work. Staying late, going early, being stressed out so that I was totally in and really had a grasp on my new responsibilities. And what happened this week... my territory was soooo slooooow! Kristina, who is my Sales Director, had to cancel a trip to Boston because of a family emergency so she was out of the office, but not really working. And then on top of that we moved! Kind of exciting, just up two floors because out team is growing so much so all week everyone was organizing desks and packing up and then Friday we HAD to be out of our desks at noon so we all got a half day! So long story short it was a really slow and short week, and I wasn't even able to bring work home over the weekend because we had to leave our lap tops there so they could be set up correctly! Hello full-time salary employment, may ever week be like my first... HA

And now I am treating myself to a late morning breakfast, coffee and catching up on my blogs and news!

Happy [non] Rapture Saturday!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Say Hello to Walter!

So today was a really big day for me in a few ways...

#1 Today was my LAST day as an Intern, EVER!

Monday is my first day as a full-time employee and I am so excited! My new title... East Coast Relationship Manager for Advertising Sales at Morningstar. We sell the ad space on three US based websites and the US print magazine, and we are an investment research corporation [we do NOT make veggie burgers if that's what you were thinking]. I have been interning there since January and even with one more semester of school in the fall I was offered a full-time position when it opened up a few weeks ago. And it feels great!

#2 I am finally done with school! [for the summer]

My life the last few weeks has been crazy to say the least. I am really looking forward to having time to get started with my new job, do laundry, see my friends, train for the marathon, and relax! My apartment is a disaster and as weird as this sounds [especially coming from me] I can't wait to clean!

#3 Walter

Maybe what I am really the most excited about... as of today I sponsor a child, Walter! A little background info, I am running the Chicago Marathon again this year and I am doing so for Team World Vision. You will be hearing a lot more about World Vision in the near future but a little bit about what they do... They are a faith based child sponsorship organization, but child sponsorship doesn't just help Walter. World Vision goes into a village or community and helps them develop a 15-20 year plan to bring healthcare, education, clean water, farming, and anything necessary to make the village successful and running on their own. So the money I donate every month in Walters name goes to help his whole community, pretty cool right!

Walter is the reason I am running the marathon this year, I care and so I run.

Here is a picture of the picture I have of Walter, and as soon as my paperwork gets sent in I will be able to start writing letters to him and he gets to write back! The World Vision workers that are in his village will read him my letters and help him write back! There will be many many many more updates about Walter and more children in his village coming your way.

Tonight I ask you one question, if you had a chance to change the lives of an entire community, would you take it?


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yes, I am still here...

Man... I am bummed when I click on my blog, this has been a crazy last few months and well blog writing for my on personal enjoyment took a backseat to school, work, school, work, and life. BUT in two short weeks I will be DONE with class and working like a real/normal person and I plan to work on this, promise.

Two things:

1. My baby sister graduates COLLEGE this weekend and I'm freaking out about it.

2. As of May 16th I will FINALLY be a real working person contributing to society and I'm freaking out about it.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Looking for motivation...

I'm a procrastinator, just ask my Mom. I will 100% admit I tend to leave some things till last might... OK if I"m being honest a lot of things till last minute. Especially if its something I'm really not that into - like a speech for my "oral communication" class tomorrow! Can't I just tell Columbia that I used to speak in front of my entire High School and I gave a kickass Maid of Honor speech at the Rundman's wedding and get my 3 credits and move on... Actually the class doesn't seem to bad, but of course here I am Sunday night throwing together a 6-10 minute "Narrative" speech for tomorrow. I guess the good thing is we can talk about anything we want so it really won't be that hard... I just have to start. The bad thing is that when I talk, especially about something I know and I am passionate about, I tend to talk very fast. OK I talk fast alllll the time, but even more so when giving a "speech". So really when writing a 6-10 minute speech I have to write a 10-12 minute speech, crap. And because its our first speech, and we are supposed to work on improving out speaking skills as the semester goes on, I probably shouldn't blow them away with my first speech right.. have to give them something to critique. Juuust kidding I am not that cocky, maybe that confident... there is a difference.

OK OK I'm going... wish me luck :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

There is no crying in the office lunch room...

This is going to be an extremely short post [but see I'm trying VERY hard to post everyday!] As I posted earlier I am reading a book called Room by Emma Donoghue and I am very much into it at this point! So I haven't talked much about work [but I will be!] but there are about 1,500 people in my office, we are the global headquarters, and of course not everyone is eating lunch at the same time, but there were quite a few people eating with me today. So I heated up my soup, found a seat and opened my book to start reading while it cooled off... um 45 mins later I had not touched my soup and was on the verge of tears from this book! I had to first close it or who knows what would have happened, and second re-heat my soup and hurry up and eat. I usually read on the train and I did not even open my bag... so here goes, I can pretty much guarantee you that I will be up until I finish the book... I will let you know what happens to Jack and Ma! 

You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.  ~Paul Sweeney

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Buy a _____, Impact a Life.

I will be honest and say I really enjoy online shopping... and when I find brands/products that I can buy for myself and they give back, I get even more excited! I'm sure there are many more but I found a new buy one/give one type group tonight that I think is awesome!

Out of Print Clothing

They take classic book covers, many that are now out of print and work with their awesome designers and the publishers to create t-shirts. [side note they even say their shirts are worn and soft - just like an old book!] And besides that I think this is an awesome idea and they have some really cool shirts - for every shirt you purchase a book is donated to Books For Africa and goes to a community in need of literature! Books and helping kids are two of my passions so this organization is a new favorite of mine! And my friends and family can expect some new Out of Print t-shirts soon! 

Of course not to be forgotten - my other favorite buy one/give one groups are TOMS Shoes [I just ordered my sister a pair for her birthday!] who I would LOVE to work for one day! Everything they do is really amazing and how far they have come in a few years is just unbelievable @blakemycoskie the founder and chief shoe giver has an amazing heart and is determined to help every child in the world have a pair of shoes! And their shoes are so cute and verrrry comfortable! The perfect gift for anyone, and of course for yourself! 

Also another new find for myself is an organization ran by one of the Chicago Bulls own - Kyle Korver. He also has an amazing heart and determination to help any and all in need. A lot of his work is with kids [again my soft spot] and he's been very influential in every city his NBA career has taken him. In order to keep his organization running he created a clothing line Seer Outfitters and all of the proceeds from the t-shirts [and now sweatshirts!] goes right back to the Kyle Korver Foundation. Besides having cool designs on the shirts they have meaning! Each shirt is part of Seer message - Together, Living Out the Golden Rule - and they have themes [courage, faith, hope, love, honor, knowledge, peace, respect, strength] and the design goes along with the message of each theme. 

I encourage you all to check each one out! Become a fan/follow on facebook and do some online shopping! Everyone wins when you buy one/give one! 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cause I may be bad but, I'm perfectly good at it

oh hello Rihanna you freak! Have you heard her new song S&M let me just say, she takes dirty to a whole other level - BUT I guarantee if you listen to it you will not only love the song but will be singing it. Makes me want to dress up in 6 inch heels and dance all night. And if you know me you know that I do NOT often wear heels [much less 6 inch ones] and well I do love to dance so that's not strange. [I have to be honest and I often put on dance and karaoke performances for myself in my apartment - perk of living alone!]

Maybe I'm just in love with this song because I spent the weekend playing Thomas the train and making animal sounds... did I mention I'm a nanny? Well used to be, now its more like random weekend babysitting, but that is what I did Friday night and most of the day Saturday. Now again if you know me you know that I'm totally a "mom" type and love kids so this was actually a really great weekend - annnd the extra cash in my pocket didn't hurt. I hungout with my favorite little 18 month old Charlie, whose favorite things to say are "Choo Choo" and "shoe shoe". Then to add to the cuteness he has a pair of Thomas rain boots that he calls "Choo Shoes" and wears around the house.

Well Monday morning is going to come very early [especially because I'm going to get up and do my yoga, or try very very very hard to anyway] and then its a full day of class! But hey it wasn't a week between posts - go me!